Jekyll Bootstrap

Jekyll bootstrap is a theme for jekyll which uses the twitter bootstrap css framework. The advantage of jekyll is that it is self hosted (or hosted on github) and that you can write in markdown on a text editor and just git push new posts to a server which produces html files. The advantage of this theme is so that you can start blogging almost right away without having to worry about making a theme.

Setting up

To start you own blog, simply git clone the repository on github. You could also press the “fork” button on github.

git clone git://

If you want to have your blog on github, make sure you change to the gh-pages branch.

git checkout gh-pages

Then you will need to edit the _config.yml file at the root of repository.

To add your own posts, add a file to the _posts directory which has the name Note - the file does not have to markdown.

To publish the post, just git push it to your own github repo and your set!

Things to change on _config.yml

There is a config file at the root called _config.yml. By Default it looks like:

permalink: /:year/:title/
paginate: 10
name: Jekyll Bootstrap
baseurl: /jekyll-bootstrap/

You will need to change the name and baseurl fields. The others are optional. The baseurl field is used for the css files and pagination, if you are hosting the blog on github, you will need to change it to your repository name unless your repository is the same name as your github user name, which means you will need to have no value for baseurl.

For more information on Jekyll, visit their wiki on github.

For more information on github pages:

Testing some markdown this is h3

So, time for some lists

  • this
  • is a
  • list

block quote.

another line

This is a link.

jekyll --server

in circuit theory, thevanin theorem for linear electrical networks states that any combination of voltage sources, current sources, and resistors with two terminals is electrically equivalent to a single voltage source v and a single series resistor r. for single frequency ac systems the theorem can also be applied to general impedances, not just resistors. the theorem was first discovered by german scientist hermann von helmholtz in 1853, but was then rediscovered in 1883 by french telegraph engineer charles Thevanin (1857.1926). This theorem states that a circuit of voltage sources and resistors can be converted into a Thevanin equivalent, which is a simplification technique used in circuit analysis. the Thevanin equivalent can be used as a good model for a power supply or battery (with the resistor representing the internal impedance and the source representing the electromotive force). the circuit consists of an ideal voltage source in series with an ideal resistor.

This is the first post woohoo